Introduction: As we all know, in this crisis situation we all need to stay calm and cool. Everyone is so stressed and demotivated all around. At this time I really want you all to think one thing that is “is it just you?” If the answer is NO than I want you to keep your mind calm and cool and look at the bigger picture in life and hope for the better future. I know you all will think, it is easy to say but hard to follow. Here I will say, at least it is easier than just giving up. To make your life easy, I have got some of the tips to stay calm and cool. Let’s discuss few of those tips and tricks which might helpful for you. Tips to stay calm and cool | How to stay calm and cool in this crisis: Do you like to listen to music? I am sure everyone in this world likes music. It might sound very common and silly thing to do in this world crisis but trust me it has huge impact on my state of mind in this situation. Whenever you feel depressed and stressed, I just want you to take ...
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