As we all know, in this crisis situation we all need to stay calm and cool. Everyone is so stressed and demotivated all around. At this time I really want you all to think one thing that is “is it just you?” If the answer is NO than I want you to keep your mind calm and cool and look at the bigger picture in life and hope for the better future. I know you all will think, it is easy to say but hard to follow. Here I will say, at least it is easier than just giving up.
To make your life easy, I have got some of the tips to stay calm and cool. Let’s discuss few of those tips and tricks which might helpful for you.
Tips to stay calm
and cool | How to stay calm and cool in this crisis:
Do you like to listen
to music?
I am sure everyone in this world likes music. It might sound very common and silly thing to do in this world crisis but trust me it has huge impact on my state of mind in this situation. Whenever you feel depressed and stressed, I just want you to take out earphone and put on the music you like. It will help you to flush all negative thoughts from your mind and allow your mind to stay calm and cool.
What’s your favorite
pass time?
I know we all have one particular thing which we like to do
as much as we can. This is also known as your passion. It can be absolutely
anything. It can be any sports, music, cooking, reading, writing, studying and
learning new things etc. You just need to find one thing which you like to do
more and more. This helps you immensely in many ways. Especially it helps your
mind to be engaged to those things where it works most effectively, keep you
away from all negativity and last but not the least it helps you to stay calm and cool.
Are you worried about
your future?
Sometimes I really don’t understand why people want to put so much energy thinking about future which is not in their hand at all. As we know we all are going through world crisis(COVID 19). I am sure majority of us never face this pandemic before in their life. It is new for everyone and everyone has no clue how to overcome this situation. Basically we all don’t know what going to happen in future and how we going to come out of this situation. So my point is, why to worry on the things we don’t know. Let’s think how we can make our present joyful and healthy. By thinking this you will definitely helping your mind to stay calm and cool.
What are you grateful
I often saw people are not happy for what they already got.
Here I can guarantee you that whatever you have right now is definitely a dream
for someone in the world. Respect what you have and be happy with it. I know we
all are living in competitive world and we always want to achieve something in
our life. But I will also make you sure that whatever you will achieve in your
life still you will feel something is missing. I want you to observe this by
yourself, list it down everything you have and see people around you, I am sure
many of them must badly want what you already have. That is the reason why I
request you to be grateful for everything you have which will definitely help
your mind to stay calm and cool.
Are you stressing
yourself to be perfect?
This is very important and effective tip to stay calm and cool. I often saw many of us always stressing their mind to be perfect in everything they do. In a way this practice is good to follow but I personally experienced that putting so much of energy on being perfect sometimes make you anxious and stressed. It’s ok not to know everything. Mental health is much more important than anything you achieve. So requesting you to keep yourself away from mentality of being perfect all the time. I personally follow it and getting all positive result on staying calm and cool.
Do you like to stay
Yes, you will be surprised to know exercise is immensely helpful to keep your mental health strong. That is the reason why Exercise is also known as stress buster tool. Many of us must have experience that exercise makes your mind relax and help us to forget all tension in your life. If you have not experienced this then it will be highly recommended to start doing exercise to stay calm and cool. We will be surprised to know the result.
Take away
I hope, this article will help you to understand how important is to stay calm and cool in your life especially in this crisis. All the tips and tricks I shared is what I personally follow and believed and it has been working for me so I just request you try in your life as well. As it is very important to stay calm and cool in this crisis situation. I would like to know if you have any tips or tricks which I have not mentioned in my article in comment section.
This entire post absolutely ROCKS! Thank you for all the hard work you put into it. It really shows. Quotation