What is self confidence????? To understand self confidence, first you need to understand what is confidence Confidence is a feeling of trust in someone or something.To be self-confident is to have confidence in yourself.Self-confident people don't doubt themselves.You can be self-confident without being cocky, arrogant, or overconfident. Now, For argument’s sake, let’s say you have a clear idea of what self confidence is, and you appreciate that you already have everything it takes to become more self confident. The next question is:why is it important to have self confidence? And why is it worth your time, effort, and energy to develop greater confidence in yourself? So let's understand this. Why it is important to be self confident?? If you are confident, people believe you, confidence is attractive, brings success, helps to connect well with others and you generally feel happier.Moreover,Self-confidence is the basis of self-love, which is the basis for loving others and...