What is happiness?
The term happiness is used in the context of mental or emotional states, including positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. It is also used in the context of life satisfaction, subjective well-being, eudaimonia, flourishing and well-being.
What stops people to stay happy
1) Forgetting our inherent worth :
Many of us are so much attached or I can say attracted to all social needs & wants like marital status, financial situation or you can say career.If we dont get few of them,we start feeling low & at the end we start feeling we are not worth. But All this things are just a role that we play,our life & happiness is much more bigger than those things.
2) Keep getting worried about uncertainty :
In today world full of cut throat compitition,no body wants to stop & keep thinking & planning the next step so that they will not thrown out if the race.In all this process they forget the beautiful time call PRESENT.This give immense pressure to any human being they start feeling depressed.
3) Comparison :
This is the bigi decease in human life.We didn't came on earth to stay bigger than Others arround you. I still finding the reason why people want to compare themselves with other.What is the fun & achievement in that.This is the biggest reason behind people not being happy.
4) A lack of gratitude :
We can become so focused on what we don't have, that we forget to notice what we do have. Pause and appreciate all of the love, beauty, abundance and blessings already in your life, and you may be surprised to realize you are rich beyond measure.
5) Ignoring our heart and intuition :
This is the strong reason behind human being are not happy these day. They don't want to follow their hearts & intuition. They may be afraid of any thing like society, family, friends or a partner. I don't understand is anyone's agreement on what you like is so much important ?
6) Ego :
Your ego is your social mask and the image you have of yourself -- it's insecure and easily bruised by life's events and other people's opinions. Learn to tap into your soul -- your eternal essence, who you really are underneath all the labels. Unlike your ego, your soul is unconditionally loving, strong, wise and enduring.
7) Comfort zones :
Majority of the people want to stay inside the comfort zone because they don't want to take any risk.This is how they live their life whether they are happy or not.
8) Living in our heads :
People think so much. If you see carefully we spent half of our time in a day,just to worry about one or the other things. We just live in imagination state of mind and not living in present. This keeps us away from happiness.
After knowing the reason behind not being state of mind of happiness. We should know how can we stay happy always. This are few valuable tips to stay happy always.
Simple Tips to stay happy & Motivated
1)Exercise more :
Lots of studies on this one. Exercising releases the good mood endorphins so that you are always in a better mood after a workout or simply a walk to the supermarket. I have never met a person in a bad mood after a workout.
2)Positive thinking :
This will improve your mental health. Positive thinking raises energy levels, creativity and productivity.The secret is to use positive thinking now, rather than when you are rich and famous.
3)Trash your negative thoughts :
Once you start thinking positive, automatically you will start staying away from negatively.This will help to reduce toxic effects.You just need to sit at one place write down your worry & negative thoughts & just trash it. I promise it will work.
4) Treasure your experiences more than your possessions :
Comparing possessions and looking at better objects after purchase can be demoralizing and ruin the initial pleasure we got when purchasing and taking possession of that new things. Sometimes, emotions are more valuable then the material things.
5) Write down things you are grateful for :
I am sure everyone in their life are thankful or grateful of something.
Feeling and thinking about the things you are grateful for as you wake up is a great way to build more happiness. Just keep it,Your time will change.
6) Practice mindfulness :
Basically in simple language mindfulness is to concentrate in present.
Focus on the present moment means that you can savor touch, smell and other physical sensations but also happy feelings. Concentrate on the joy they are giving you. It is really effective in forgetting about the past and not fretting about future, fearful scenarios.
7) Proper sleep :
This is the most important factor to be happy. Taking enough rest or sleep can make huge difference in your life.When you do not get enough sleep, your negativity takes over big time. This was the conclusion researchers came to after several experiments. One of these is particularly interesting. The researchers homed in on the hippocampus which is the part of the brain which processes our positive thoughts. When we are sleep deprived, this function starts to creak and negative thoughts muscle in much more than before.
8) Be a helping hand :
People buy many expensive material things in their life,but many time they don't feel happy after buying all this.Researchers have found that when we dedicate a little time or money to helping others, this has a significant effect on our own happiness.
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